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Actually yoghurt is method of conserving milk. There are many kinds of yoghurt. It originates from Asia. This no coincidence: different from Europeans, Asian people often have a lactose intolerance. For them, yoghurt is much easier to digest than milk.
Yoghurt is produced by adding some kind of lactic acid bacteria to milk, which will ferment as a result. There are diffrent species of bacteria, each resulting in a different kind of yoghurt. If you can find more than one kind in the shops where you live, try out several yoghurts to experience the differences. I like a really sour yoghurt. Often the mass produced supermarket yoghurt (at least in the Netherlands) is to bland to my taste. But bland seems to be the taste of the mass public in everything. Recipe: Arab meatballs in aubergine sauce

Laatste wijziging August 27, 2017