The most popular dessert in modern and historical variations
Through the years I have published more and more recipes for custard-like recipes on Coquinaria. Time to collect all recipes on one page, to make it easier to find them. The first four recipes (vanilla, chocolate, caramel and orange) share an url, they can all be found on the same page.
Tips & Tricks
- When thickening custard with egg yolks, using an electric mixer will work best. The custard does not need ti be prepared au bain marie, and it will set sooner. The danger of curdling is much smaller.
- Once the custard has set, transfer it immediately to a serving bowl. Otherwise the custard will continue to thicken and stick to the sides and bottom of the hot pan.
- When custard is prepared with milk or cream, it will develop a skin while cooling. If this is not desired, cover the custard immediatley after pouring into the serving bowl with cling foil.
- When using eggs or egg yolks, temper these first with a little hot liquid before adding them to the pan. The custard must not boil again once the eggs are added.
- The amount of sugar in the recipes is a suggestion. Adapt to one’s own taste. And one can also exchange milk, skimmed milk, cream.
- Custard is mostly eaten cold, but warm vanilla custard for exemple, is quite delicious. But once cooled, custard must be kept in the refrigerator for two to three days.