I have good memories of this salad. My grandmother (on the right, with me on her lap) prepared it during long vacations during the summer in Maastricht, the Southern-most city of the Netherlands, when it was very hot. My mother also had it on her repertoire as an easy meal during heatwaves. So this is…
Parsnip salad
Straight to the recipe A sixteenth-century Dutch recipe This winter salad for parsnips is taken from a Dutch cookbook from the middle of the sixteenth century. It is a translation from a recipe by the Italian humanist Platina (Bartolomeo Sacchi) inĀ De honeste voluptateĀ (published in 1474,Ā edition Milham, see bibliography). The Dutch cookbook bears the titleĀ Eenen nyeuwen…
Traditional Dutch herring salad
The Dutch are famous for eating ‘Dutch new’ or ‘matjes’ herring, which is essentially still raw. Tourists stare with fascinated abhorrence at those strange people who let the fish slide down their throats with extatic expressions on their face. But why would this be any less delicious than eating Japanese sashimi? And the herring is…
Chicken Salad
What to do with soup chicken What to do with all the tasty chicken meat from the boiling hen when you have madeĀ chicken stock? This recipe for chicken salad is better with meat from a boiling hen than with a pale chicken breast. It tastes great on toast or on bread, or it can be…
Cook’s Salmon Salad
Straight to the recipe Simply delicious A delicious recipe amalgamated from two nineteenth century cookbooks written by ‘kitchen maids’. In eighteenth century England theĀ housewifeĀ or herĀ housekeeperĀ ruled the cookbooks, in The Netherlands it was theĀ keukenmeidĀ (litt. kitchen maid), which is not quite the same as theĀ housekeeperĀ but more a female cook. However, I will use that in the translations…
Traditional Dutch potato salad
Russian Salad the Dutch way I suppose Russian Salad is a popular dish all over the world, but I wonder whether it is as connected with festive holidays as in the Netherlands, where it is called Hussar’s Salad (‘Huzarensalade’). It is a traditional dish on New Year’s Eve, presented as a clock with the hands…
Roman broccoli
A recipe for broccoli fromĀ De re coquinaria, a Roman cookbook with recipes from the 1st to 4th centuries. If a vegetable like broccoli already existed, it was probably something that looked likeĀ Brassica rapa var. Cymosa, also known asĀ Cima di rapaĀ orĀ rapiniĀ (broccoli raab): thin stalks with leaves and small flowerbuds. Where I live (the Netherlands), Cima di…